Dyno Test for 12-645E EMD Diesel Engines
It's been a very good 2013 and we hope to see 2014 be even more prosperous for everyone. We at S&S Sales and Leasing LLC feel very satisfied when we can help our customers to get their locomotives back in service and pulling trains. Recently we provided a rebuild 12-645E EMD diesel engine right from our vast inventory. We had the engine dyno tested prior to shipping it to the customer's locomotive location for installation. On the first page of our website you can see this engine while in the dyno test room. S&S Sales and Leasing took care of all of the details for the customer with coordinating all truck transportation with the engine shop and the locomotive repair facility that our customer was using. All details where considered and taken care of so our customer could do his job without worrying if some detail was missed. Initially when we offered this engine to the customer, we suggested that the rebuilt engine be dyno tested to properly break-in all bearings and cylinder liner to piston ring surfaces. This is an important step that can be skipped over frequently by suppliers and customers alike. It costs a little more to have this test run, but the long term benefits much out weigh the expenditure. When dyno testing you can calculate the top horse power you are producing along with preventing glazing of your cylinder liner wall surface. Glazing can allow and engine to spew oil out of the exhaust and reduce your cylinder compression greatly, causing the engine to operate very inefficiently. This can typically happen when a rebuilt engine is installed in a locomotive and the locomotive operators do not bring the unit under full load long enough and often enough. When an engine is first started and the piston rings and cylinder liner surfaces are new. Oil can bypass the rings some until the diesel engine is run in under enough load and brought up to maximum allowable temperature to attain the properly wear in (break-in) of the rings and liner surfaces. In addition when dyno testing, the technicians take main and rod bearing temperatures during the shutdown periods when the engine is first being run. As all adjustments are made during these shutdown periods while be dyno tested, the technicians are inspecting for problems with the oil lube system, engine cooling system, fuel system, blowers or turbocharger, front and rear gear trains, camshafts, and many other components. Needless to say these periodic inspections during dyno testing are very important to catching problems when they first occur and making the correction. This saves our customers an immeasurable amount of potential problems and costs. I wanted to convey these details to our customers and future potential customers to trust that S&S Sales and Leasing will properly guide you in your next locomotive or locomotive component purchase. Our experienced sales staff and technicians put the upmost importance on satisfying our customers, before, during, and after the sale.